PKM Edukasi Remaja Puteri dalam Minum Tablet Tambah Darah (TTD) Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Anemia

Nurfitriani Nurfitriani, Suci Rahmani Nuritais, Tina Yuli Fatmawati


The prevalence of anemia in adolescents in the world ranges from 40-88%, where 22.2% of anemia sufferers in Indonesia are aged ≥ 15 years. One of the government's strategies to overcome the problem of anemia in adolescent girls is by providing blood supplementation tablets and folic acid through the Iron Nutrition Anemia Prevention and Management Program (PPAGB). This program has not been effective, research results show that the level of compliance with the consumption of blood supplement tablets is still low, mainly due to the unpleasant taste and side effects caused as well as a lack of understanding of how to take the tablets. The aim of implementing the activity is to increase knowledge and change attitudes for female students at SMAN 13 Jambi City. One of the solutions implemented is providing education about anemia and blood supplement tablets (TTD) to young women at SMAN 13. The method of implementing the service is through education. Material is provided through lectures, questions and answers and giving leaflets. Evaluate the knowledge of young women before education by doing a pretest, then they are given education once for 30 minutes, and after the education ends, another evaluation is carried out in the form of a posttest with the same questions. Service activities were carried out from March to July 2023 for a group of 17 female students. The assessment results showed that the average pretest knowledge of teenagers was 5, and the posttest score was 8.2 with a difference in score of 3.2. It was concluded that there had been an increase in adolescent knowledge regarding the consumption of blood supplement tablets (TTD) in an effort to prevent anemia. The resulting outcome is an increase in teenagers' knowledge about consuming blood supplement tablets. Suggestions for schools and health centers to monitor female students in consuming blood supplement tablets so as to reduce cases of anemia in the school itself and nationally.


adolescents, anemia prevention efforts, education, blood increasing tablets

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