Edukasi Tentang Pengolahan Daun Kelor untuk meningkatkan Produksi ASI di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tangkit

Tuhu Perwitasari, Suci Rahmani Nurita, Nurbaiti Nurbaiti


Infant and toddler health is one of the determinants of the health development index in Indonesia. Fulfillment of nutrition is an important factor in maintaining the health of infants and toddlers so as to avoid stunting. This incident can be reduced by exclusive breastfeeding. The achievement of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia is still far from the national target. One of the reasons is due to less milk production. There are many local plants in Indonesia that can be used as breast milk boosters, including katuk leaves, moringa leaves, young papaya, banana heart and others. Poor nutritional status is Processing of local food ingredients such as Moringa leaves can be an alternative for fulfilling toddler nutrition in preventing stunting. Moringa is a plant that is still not fully utilized. The nutritional content of Moringa includes essential amino acids, excellent protein, phenolic amino acids, a source of vitamins and β-carotene. The target of this community service activity is mothers who have a total of 56 toddlers. There is still a lack of knowledge of mothers about processing Moringa leaves to increase milk production. Therefore, the provision of health education is carried out, namely regarding Education on Processing Moringa Leaves to increase breast milk production in the working area of the Tangkit Health Center using demonstration and lecture methods through leaflet and powerpoint media. The output target of this activity is to increase mother's knowledge about processing Moringa leaves to increase milk production. The results of this activity are published in the form of scientific publications in accredited national journals


education, moringa leaves, mother's milk production

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